C #2
Form, Button
Email Pages
    Below could be for content tabs. Click right to advance down the written lesson.
There are dozens of visual examples for each of the categories above. These visual examples represent the best that can be found on the web.
Indeed, there are many other examples of 'Packages'  'Team'   'Images' , etc.  out there in the web, but most are not designed in a manner that is clean, spacious, compelling, innovative, and invigorating. The examples I selected have these qualities.

Before you pioneer your new designs, you can use this spread for inspiration! It is updated regularly.

'Containers!' has the best containers i could find. Containers are shapes that have writing, images, and sign-up forms inside of them. 

'Containers #2'  has all second-best containers.

'Images' are (1) containers made just for images    (2) artistic layouts of images

A package is multiple elements mixed together--
--3 containers with a headline above it and a background image
--2 floating boxes with a background image and sidebar widgets running vertically on the right

 'Package' can include multiple containers at the same time and often encompasses a large part of the browser's width and height.

Home page designs differs from 'Package because the 'Package' can happen anywhere on the website while the homepage area specifically refers to the place          you land when you first type in the Web Adress. Home Page designs need to encompass the most important aspects of the website in a well-packaged way.                  The examples here are    1) screenshotted up to the fold and    (2) minimized and screenshotted way past the fold    (3) just the menu items

'Landing Pages' involves a packaged design that is specifically made to rapidly convince someone to give their email adress in exchange for a valuable document.    These pages always include a sign-up form.

The 'Form + Button' element consists of containers that are specifically designed to take in email adresses and get button clicks.

'About/Bio' ; 'Team' ;  'Testimonial'; 'Shop' ; are packaged designs that are made specifically for the respective category.

Imagine this Google one below has profile pics on the right and writing on the left.
For blogging, remove the pricing and button area and replace with text.
Or, keep the placement of that area and replace it with social sharing icons.
--Let the writing area run down for up to 3 paragraphs before cutting it off.
--Or, include a 'read more' drop down.
For the scrolling article effect to be smooth, the height of the text area for each article needs to be at least 120%+ that of the height of the images.
--Use up to 5 images for each  article; or do 60% width image 40% width video